Monday 6 May 2013

Apologies for the unexpected delay.

We have had to take a detour from watching films from our movie list due to a completely full Sky+ box of things that need to be watched - therefore we won't be posting our first review for a little while. If you are reading this, please come back in a couple of weeks. We will be posting the reviews of our upcoming films soon, starting with: Magnum Force, The Woodsman, National Treasure 2: Book Of Secrets and A Clockwork Orange.

Monday 29 April 2013

The List

It’s not that Stacey is obsessed with watching films. She likes other things, such as talking about films, telling me why what I think about films is idiotic, and making lists of films. Lots of lists.

Have you ever looked at your film collection and thought: “I should really watch that movie I bought two Christmases ago…” and then caved in to your familiarity cravings and picked up Lord Of The Rings for the two hundred and thirteenth time? Or been unable to choose even which genre of movie you want to fill a spare two hours with – let alone which particular film? How do you even choose between Super, Superbad and Super 8? Answer: make a list and do what it tells you to do. Sure, that sounds a little ‘Dice Man’ at first, but hey, if it means that you’re finally going to get around to watching the two Home Alone films without Macaulay Culkin in them, then that’s got to be a good thing. At least once you’ve watched them, you’ll know that you should have bought the first two films on their own rather than invested in the box set. Even if it was cheaper.

On Stacey’s laptop, there is a list of all the films we can remember ever watching (her: 1,571, me: a comparatively puny 1,128 at the time of writing). There is a list of every film we own (around the 1,000 mark).

Then there’s THE list. It’s a list of every film we own that we haven’t watched since we made the list. Whatever is top gets watched. No arguments, no stress, no choice. Of course, this means that Battlefield Earth is going to get watched one day, but hey, sacrifices are going to have to be made in pursuit of the perfect film.

We’ve already rated the nearly 500 films we’ve seen at home or at the cinema since we created the list in late 2011 (they’re all on another list, of course). “What’s 124th on that list?” I hear you ask. Why, it’s Robert De Niro and Al Pacino facing off in Heat. “Is Roman Holiday better than Heat?” would probably be a sensible follow up question. Well, Roman Holiday is our 11th favourite black and white film, 12th favourite comedy and 139th favourite film overall. So no, it isn’t better than Heat. Conclusive proof; argument averted. In this household at least…

 In time we will put our thoughts on those previously viewed movies onto the blog, but for now it’s going to be our pleasure to review the upcoming films on The List! Roll on Magnum Force